Winners! …and Surprise Bonus Content Info! #ContestWinners #KindleFire #Giftcards #NewContent
I’m late, I’m late, I’m very very late! And anyone who knows me knows this is my normal state of being, so all is good. 🙂 It’s a combination of ADHD and OCD and doing anything in a timely manner is a struggle for me.
I really did get the winners from rafflecopter before August 15th, but because I got caught up in writing a secret surprise bonus content project to give FREE to my newsletter subscribers, I delayed contacting the winners because I spent all my work time actually writing.
So without further adieu, let’s get on with it! The winners have now been contacted and they are:
Winner of the Kindle Fire and $25 Amazon gift card: Connie
Winner of the $25 Amazon gift card: Deb
(1 of 3) Winner of $10 Amazon gift card: Janice
(2 of 3) Winner of $10 Amazon gift card: Neena
(3 of 3) Winner of $10 Amazon gift card: Tammy
Congratulations! And thanks to everyone for helping me celebrate my new website. I wish you all could have won.
But here is something everyone can get for free if you’re signed up for my newsletter, a sneak peak of the surprise bonus content I’ve been working on. Currently in the editing phase. If you’re a newsletter subscriber, stay tuned!