Monday Musings: Bouncing Back Once Again
Happy New Year! And…
Let’s try this one more time!
Who remembers that Chumbawamba song Tubthumping? “I get knocked down, but I get up again”? I’ve been told it’s a drinking song, but as a teetotaler, I embraced it for a different reason—it’s about bouncing back. And let me tell you, I’ve been knocked down a time or two. The good news? I bounce!
I got a little off track (by a year or so), but here I am, bouncing back and giving this blogging thing another go. This time, I’ll start small—just once a week—to make sure I’m writing something regularly while I work on rebooting my fiction writing career.
To recap from a blog post over a year ago: I originally planned to reboot my writing career in 2020. I even created a cute notebook and called it Phoenix Rising—because, let’s face it, my writing career was really in the ashes! I was so ready to make a fresh start. But then… well, you know what happened back then.
One year turned into two, and while I made a brief attempt to get back to writing in 2023, before I knew it, five years had flown by in a blur. I’d love to explain what happened over the last decade or so since I last wrote anything new. But honestly? It’s complicated. And really, it can all be summed up in one word: Life.
Life has a funny way of sidetracking even the best-laid plans. But here we are in 2025, and I’ve decided it’s time to dust off that Phoenix Rising notebook (again), update it, and truly commit to my goals. The biggest one? Simply to write.
And here’s some good news—I’ve been doing just that! Even though I didn’t keep up with blogging, I finished the sequel to Blood on a Texas Moon. I’m calling it Blood on a Comanche Moon. Because… vampires, y’know.
Of course, Blood on a Comanche Moon is still a rough draft—and I mean rough. One thing I’ve learned? The writing muscle definitely needs regular use. It’s going to take some time to get this draft polished and publish-ready, but I’m making progress.
And here I go—onward! (By the way, “Onward” is my word for 2025. Have you picked a word?) Life, with all its unexpected twists and turns, has taught me resilience, patience, and the value of small victories. So here I am, ready to turn the page and dive into this next chapter. I may be a little rusty, but I’m determined to keep moving forward—one word at a time.
Here’s to fresh starts, new opportunities, and a year filled with possibilities!